Mr. Chaiyasith Viriyamettakul
Director (Authorized)
- Bachelor of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- National Defense College (NDC,4414)
DCC: 505,500,000 shares or 5.54 percent of all voting shares.
(Including the share held by spouse and minor children)
- Director Accreditation Program (DAP) No. 20/2004
- Increasing Your Corporate Value through Effective Communication Year 2003
- Risk Management
- Capital Market Academy, Class 15 (15 CMA)
- President / Vibhavadee Hospital PLC. (Health Care Services)
- Director/ Chiang Mai Ram Medical Business PLC. (Health Care Services
- President / Green Resources Plc.
- Director/ Sikarin PLC. (Health Care Services)
- Vice Chairman of BOD / Chaophya Hospital PLC.
- Executive Director / Vibharam Co., Ltd and its Subsidiaries
- Board of Directors 6/6 meetings
- AGM 2023 1/1 meeting